Tuesday, May 18, 2010
How To Do Bandana Shoes
not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because the man who bringeth wicked.
Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any way to do evil "Psalms 37:1,7-8.
envy arises in the heart of the believer when you see that unbelievers enjoy plenty of what you need. Providence is indeed a great mystery, that the wicked are prosperous while the good suffer greatly. No matter how one put it, the sad fact is well and can not be denied, is a common condition in any society, and perhaps much more in our own, produces a mixture of bitter and choking feelings, note: "impatience ... ... excitement, anger, envy ... do evil." In other words, it is unusual for a healthy soul is weakened to that vision. The viruses that sicken the soul Believer catch the eye.
Let's read in the context of Sal.37.: "Trust in the LORD and do good, Dwell in the land, and feed on the truth. Delight in the Lord, and He shall give thee the desires of your heart. Commit to the Lord your way And trust Him, and He will "(v3-5). Among all these words you can see three Christian duties: Trust, do good and enjoy. Then the delight and pleasure, not only in the Christian life, but God himself is a duty, as important as the exercise of faith or good works. More than that, is a remedy. Since, therefore, a must-choice, then the believer must be applied diligently to repair the course of his soul. Before you commit yourself to it is very important to exercise a rational mind, or that God had never commanded to seek delight in Him unless you have something to do.
The Lord is as a rational being I say this on purpose because some are parked asking God to do this or that without them doing anything, like a piece of marble where the sculptor shapes stone, and stone are not even aware. The apostle says: "Ye also, as living stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ" (1Pe.2: 5). We are living stones, are able to hear and do our part.
The idea is that God will give delight, and you must cooperate. As John Howe said: "Even knowing what is the spiritual delight, at least you have to work against any obstacles that might oppose or obstruct, and this in the power of the Holy Spirit. So do not think it's the enjoyment of something totally out of reach, because even if it is true that the power of the Holy Spirit is supernatural or extraordinary, yet God in His grace and condescension is awarded or puts at your disposal '. Amen.
pastor Oscar Arocha
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