Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How To Reset Briefcase Combination


" LORD said unto Moses, Come up to me on the mountain, and wait." Exodus 24:12

The Lord gave his people the Word of God so that he could know his will and obey it. Also given the pattern of the tabernacle in the Old Testament that He might come and dwell among them. He did not remain aloof . Unlike always want to be near you! God wanted to become accessible and available to his people.
Moses is a man who found God. Learned that this required discipline and preparation. And I tell you one thing to know what to do quite another to make " many of us take courses about prayer, but rarely pray, or learn the techniques of evangelization but almost never share our faith ?
So we spend time and lose opportunities.
In Exodus 24:12; 25:1-9, through Moses, we are confronted with some formidable reminders of the Word of God. We as believers do not need a new creative technique, but at times we need a good shake. We need many times the call of the Holy Spirit, because we recognize that sometimes when we are lazy, slow and lethargic when it comes to climbing the mountain and meet for half an hour with the Lord.
Despite our poor record and lack of discipline, God wants to do a work in us.
On this day want the Lord make you think , to remind you that we can become men and women of God stronger, just keep a daily meeting time with him
God does not matter in the least place you choose, or the amount of time you spend. The only thing he cares about is your life, your daily discipline and heart.
God wants to be with you every day and wants you to be with Him, through His Word.
Author: Charles Swindoll


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