There is a future where what is now your pain be your glory.
Nothing more sad Jacob that the land on which he slept with a stone for a pillow. It was time for their poverty. It was her dark night. It was time to absence of their God. The Lord was there and he did not know. Awakened from his sleep, he discovered that the day of his trial was the dawn of victory.
Ask the greats of the past when it began its prosperity and say unto thee began on the cold ground where I slept .
Abraham Ask and tell you to Mount Moriah.
José Ask and it will guide you to your cell.
Ask Moses and show you the basket floating on the Nile
Ruth Ask and you shall desire to make a monument in the fields where he worked with such zeal.
Ask David and tell you that their songs out of the night.
Job Ask and tell you that God answered from a whirlwind.
Ask Peter and exalt his immersion in the sea.
Juan Ask and it will show the way to Patmos.
Ask Pablo and attributed his inspiration to light that left him blind.
Ask only one more, the Son of God. Ask him when he became king of the world and will respond: 'When I was on the cold ground in Gestsemaní, where I received my rod. " You too, my soul, can be lauded in Gethsemane.! The cup that you will want, will crown you in the sweet future.
- The time of loneliness crown you. depression
- Day you celebrate. Your desert
- break into song.
- your forest trees are those who applaud silently.
- The last shall be first things in the Sweet Hereafter. The thorns are roses. The valleys will be hills.
- The straight line is curved.
- The grooves are flat land. The shadows will glow. The losses will be profits. The tears are gold steps. The voice of God in your night will tell you: Your treasure is hidden in the ground where you are lying. "
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