natural Pedro García, it is always good to know the reasons and motives of each, but more importantly still is to know the origin and consequences of what we do and propagate. Pedro Garcia, I invite you to evaluate together what many sold as the bread of life, but in reality is nothing but garbage for the soul and the welfare of this beautiful, natural and tourist village.
and your Inferno Carnival mask, is the murder weapon and helpful all the good values \u200b\u200bthat this town may have. Carnival is the most unhealthy and destructive proposal today is giving away door to door. It is the most corrupt of trying to sell to these people as a space tourist. So I want to analyze and understand their reality.
First we recognize that as the name implies, is a feast of meat that has its origins in pagan peoples where human sacrifices to their gods of wood, plaster and iron.
Carnival is a propagating the excessive consumption of alcohol .
already know all the fights and even deaths have occurred publicly in our town, all for the consumption of alcohol.
Not to mention, marriages each day are on their way to disrupt the children unattended, the women abused by the violence of a drunken husband, the massive debts accumulated in grocery stores, people without sleep due to recklessness and disrespect of some drunks and the exorbitant amount of marital infidelity (horns) that are manifested in a blunt night partying.
Carnival promotes the devaluation of women.
public all are witnesses to these parties form a group of ballet staff. What no one has recognized is that the body sexually exposed dance (private property of each person) of girls and even girls, in the eyes of the people. is, that devalues \u200b\u200bwomen, the level of being a honor God's creation, a mere piece of meat male sexual service.
ATTENTION ALL PARENTS, THIS RESPONDANCE little questions. If today lend your daughters so that she may be planted this seed of degradation, you think you reap from them tomorrow?
Carnival is not culture, no tourism, no national holiday, it is Satan Disfrasado.
to a people known for professing faith in Jesus, attending Mass at least weekly and famous for being peaceful, I do not think that falls like a miracle Satanic celebration of this magnitude, THIS BREAKS THE LAW OF HOLINESS TO PREACH AND ASK JESUS \u200b\u200bIN HIS WORD.
progress is order, not disorder and moral disvalues. Duarte not celebrate carnival, but national freedom. Knowing this ... ... THINK JESUS \u200b\u200bAND MARY
Pastor: Joharison Martínez .
Desirable Land Christian Community. AD
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