Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Letters For Wedding Tables

Debunking myths Nail Enamel Colour & Go + Seche Vite

Hello! What was your week? I leave for failures but intensive study for several exams approach.
I come to show you some nail ESSENCE I bought it few weeks. No I have too much of this brand nail polish but its really like for its price and the huge variety of colors and finishes they have. These in particular are line COLOUR & GO and bought through Maquillalia by € 1.49 , plain and simple because the only stand that we have here is a cucumber.

tones that I asked were:

34 WALK OF FAME. It is a taupe that I am giving a lot of use. Color the pictures are somewhat distorted because it is less and some more brown gray and dark. The color you see in this picture reflects reality better.

ULTIMATE PINK 08. Along with the above has been my favorite. It is a super flashy fuchsia, from my point of view, it is very nice.

UNDERWATER 24. This is very well known. It is a dark blue-gray, although not completely understood, it has blue flashing lights. The rest could say they are "mates" in this aspect because they lack any kind of reflection. Frankly very nice too.
GLAMOUROUS 08 SO. It is a tad bright red Orange but not excessively.
The pink and red cover much and one pass you get a good coverage. The brown mole is less coverage but it is not bad at all with one pass, but I prefer to give two. Blue is the least covered and need two passes in order to appreciate the color it is.
I come to take 2 days without top-coat. Yes, I know it's little, but with the top-coat of VITE POUR S only last me 4 days, at most 5 but having something Choni hands. And say, "Well go chufa nail polish!" And I reply: "Well may be but I have not ever gotten a glaze that lasts me more than 5 days, even being more expensive. "I do not know why but mine with nail polish is an impossible love.
I leave more photos:

And finally you talk about the top-coat, top coat or nail polish fast drying, SECHE VITE that I took in the same order. It cost me € 7.75 . Promises to achieve a fast drying enamel and apply it on any more at the same time duration. The first function is fulfilled perfectly and also gives a nice sheen to the nail.

However, as I have mentioned, I have not noticed the glaze too last me much longer. I was very disappointed because I know for a fact that many people use it and nail it intact during 10 days and assume that this is the best. But I can assure you that I have not gone from 4 to 5 days. Moreover, imagine my face when one day, after two hours of having painted nails, I miss a huge plate of enamel + top-coat corresponding to the entire surface of the nail of my index finger. One disappointment we go ... Maybe it is that I do something wrong but the truth is that I do not think it has much secrecy.

That is all. I hope you enjoyed this post "unil" and see in the next.

Indeed, comment the other day on Twitter that I wanted to do some input on food and issues of these because as you know, and if you do not know I tell you, I'm Nutritionist and Food Technologist. Many told me that you wanted so you have to ask here also. I imagine that may interest you my point of view. So if I say yes, probably try this next entry.

A kiss!


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