Sunday, March 6, 2011

Congratulations Mariage Messages

The Christian "Light" and His

Jesus looking for individuals who are committed to obey his commands, that are willing to deny themselves and sacrifice everything to follow.

Who is a Christian "Light"?
Someone who claims to be "Christian" but not acting as such or not seeking spiritual growth simply conformist is someone who gets carried away by currents.
You can not be a disciple of Jesus if you're a "light", lukewarm or undecided, because the Lord is seeking people with a willing heart, seeking to love Him above all things and not a partial. There are many who say "Love God", but when we see their actions and for about the show.

Jesus knows the hearts of true Christians and knows who are his disciples.
The true children of God do not mind to hear about Jesus, but can spend hours and hours learning from him a Christian A "light" you are uncomfortable and bored that speak of God, put thousands of excuses to approach him

Warm Characteristics of a Christian.
1. As for God. Most just see it as their "Waiter Celestial" which is only to serve and give blessings. For them God is distant and paint more than anything like a religion.

2. As for the Bible. not read it, despite claiming to be Christians. They get used to read only the verses that they share either the Church or others and most of all just be learning God's promises.

3. Regarding Salvation. Many do not understand it even be called "sons of God." Think that to get have to do thousands of things and some doubt their eternal security. Others do not share it, just make that no longer go to Hell and practically are selfish.

4. Concerning Prayer. Your prayers are just pure requests, pray to win only when they have problems or have interests. Do not ask for your relationship with God or the lives of others.

5. As for his faith. His faith is very weak, is a person who is easily discouraged crumbles and the things of God. Is someone who believes anything and the Word of God dwells little on it.
6. As for the Church:
usually cost you and if you attend most of the time is out of habit or obligation. He sees it as a "social center" and a place where the needs are filled.

7. As for his Family and Friends. Only come to God for help to have a prosperous and beautiful family. In the case of singles for them regale his wife (o). As the friends only have to spend a pleasant time. Do not seek God, are content if they're stuck in a "Christian sect" and not show them the biblical truths.

8. As for the problems. are not meant to grow, think that being Christian does not suffer and usually if something tragic happens in your life tends to become easily irritated and angry with God.

9. As the world and sin. Not much difference on whether Christian or not. Is influenced too much by the things of the world, easily away from God, not afraid of him and not looking to change their mentality sinful.

10. As for being a disciple . He sees it as an optional and selective, is biased in its decisions and does not want to sacrifice for Christ.
What does the Bible say to this? know your works, I know that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! Therefore, as you are neither cold nor hot, but lukewarm, I will spit in my mouth. (Revelation 3:15-16)

Main causes that lead to being a Christian "Light."

• Some have not understood the true gospel of salvation and therefore really have not trusted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
• Many are not exposed to Biblical truths and learn more about doctrine.
Others just think of themselves and not God.
• Most understand Christianity upside down and some have always lived in his church do not understand that it's all about looking like Jesus.

What should I do to stop being a Christian "Light"?
Remember where you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. (Revelation 2:5 a)

You have to recognize that these failing, the decision to change its mind and humble themselves before God for forgiveness, especially to look for in spirit and in truth.

"What are you doing the rest of your life? Can a Christian "Light" ?
Remember: You can not become a disciple of Jesus Christ when you are a Christian "Light."
God bless you!
Posted by Patrick Zorrilla


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